Poster Project 
Last semester in Design Production, we created a poster that communicates the quote of a book. I've first created a design of my character on my sketch book and scanned it into my computer and combined the colors, text and drawing into this poster master piece. 
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator
In production Design, we've created an E-Commerce Site for our own product or a product that already exists. This project helped us learn how to design e-commerce and microsites on In-vision for any clients that need a website design in general. I've designed a jewelry box company that sells fancy jewelry for teens/young adults on any occasion. 
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, In-vision
B&W Image Project
In 2D Design, we had to first pick an image from our photo archive and insert in Photoshop to change it completely to black and white. After that, we had to paint explore black and white in different areas of the image and paint it in black and white. 
Materials: Black and White Acrylic Paint. Paint Tape, Bristol Paper. 
4-Paws Logo
In Branding/Identity, our class goal was to re-create the 4 Paws for Ability Logo for the company. After over 50+ sketches, this was one of the best options for the logo I decided to work with. On the left, is the Final Logo in color. On the right, is the final Logo in Black and White. 
4PFA Touchpoint: Snapchat Filter
In my group for the last project for the 4-Paws for Ability Company, the touch point I've created is a Snapchat filter. In my filter, I've created 5 service dogs and put all the designs together into a gif. After creating the gif, I’ve put the filter all together on lens studio and published filter on Snapchat.
Software: Illustrator, Gif and Lens Studio.

Magazine Spread Project
For our first project in production design, our class have created our own magazines based off a article topic. Mines was about girls groups and how there treated off cameras in the music industry exposing the truth. Based of that topic I placed images of the hottest girl groups of today that I felt represent Girl Power. 
Form Theory 10 + Color Theory
In Design Aesthetics, we investigated the meaning of form theory and color theory all semester and for the final, we've combined them all together to follow all principals for either an animal or an object. On top of that, find a way to add text withing those rules. 

Room Signage: Room Signage Design for the Annex Building Rooms.
Elevations: (2D Flat Designs) for Annex Building 

Color Map: Color Map for Annex Building 

Capstone Project: Deliverables
The objective of this project was to design deliverables for the Annex Building that solves the design problem. The design problem is that the Annex Building legible navigation and 

Hand Sanitizer Package 
In publication design, the goal of the project is to re-design a product that already exists in the market. I’ve decided to recreate the form of a hand sanitizer package from Dollar Tree to make it more long-lasting and appealing to the eye. 
Software: Illustrator 
Portrait Drawings
All week our Foundation Drawing 2 class has practiced drawing people's face and even learned how to draw facial expressions as practice. 
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